Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Hero's Journey

As published on MythologyTeacher.com.  Many thanks to this awesome presentation!

Matthew Winkler's lesson via TedEd

Example Action Figure Project

Being the mythology-loving nerd that I am, I decided to create a project along with you guys.

You can check out my progress in the presentation below.  I'm holding myself to the same deadline --> I need to finish it by Thursday too!

If you want to use the resources we've read in class, you need the following citation information:
Perseus and The Hero's Journey: Hamby, Zachary, and Rachel Hamby. Reaching Olympus: Teaching Mythology through Reader's Theater Plays. United States of America: Hamby Pub., 2010. Print.
Norse Myths: Hamby, Zachary Parker. Reaching Valhalla: Tales and Sagas from Norse Mythology. United States of America: Hamby, 2013. Print.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Missing your Socratic Smackdown? Want to complete a retake?

Your retake opportunity for the Socratic Smackdown assessment will be held during lunch on Friday, April 8th.

Students will only have 7 minutes for discussion and 5 minutes for reflection, just like the original assessment.  

What to bring:
  • texts you plan on discussing (Chicoria, The People, Yes, and How to Read Literature Like a Professor-for Kids! [the last text is not mandatory])
  • something to write with (for your reflection)
  • your lunch --> this is a working lunch, you are expected to balance both eating your lunch and completing your work
Upon completion of the Socratic Smackdown, students will be released back to the lunchroom.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream Links!

Click HERE for the full text of the play (traditional text only).

For scene overviews when absent, check out the Sparknotes overviews HERE.

For an online version of the No Fear Shakespeare text, click HERE.

Remember, Sparknotes is REALLY good for general overview/major event stuff, but the language is very glossed over and details are lost. Use as a resource support not as a replacement to your readings.

Thursday 2/11/16